
How to Install WordPress on a Web Development VPS Environment

Published : December 6, 2024 Published In : Technical Guide

This document outlines the process of installing WordPress in a web development setting. The steps include setting up necessary software, configuring databases, and completing the installation of WordPress. Ensure that PHP, NGINX and MariaDB are installed before proceeding.

Step 1:  Prepare Your VPS Environment

Ensure that PHP, NGINX and MariaDB are installed in your development environment.

Create a separate user from the root user for usage and run this command to switch users:

su - <your_user>

Run the curl command to install WP-CLI and use 

chmod +x wp-cli.phar 

to make the file executable.

curl -O

Step 2: Set Up WP-CLI and Configure Access

Move the WP-CLI file to an appropriate directory with 

sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp 

to use as a 


command. Check the WP-CLI version by running 

wp cli info

Log in to MariaDB using 

sudo mysql -u root -p 

to proceed with database creation. Enter the root password when prompted

Step 3: Set Up and Organize Your WordPress Database

Execute the SQL command 

CREATE DATABASE <your_database>; 

to create the database. These commands are case sensitive so be be sure to type them as-is.

Grant necessary privileges to the WordPress user with

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on <your_database>.* TO '<new_user>'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<strong_password>'

Step 4: Create and Configure the WordPress Database

After granting privileges, exit MariaDB by typing EXIT;
Navigate to the directory /var/www/html using 

cd /var/www/html

Step 5: Prepare the WordPress Installation Directory

Install and download WP-Core using

wp core download --locale-en_[your-language]

Please note when downloading WP-Core make sure to adjust the language when installing e.g.

 wp core download --locale-en_GB (English) or  wp core download --locale-en_NL (Dutch)

If permission errors occur, identify your user by typing whoami and adjust permissions using

sudo chown -R <your_user> /var/www/html

for the necessary access.

Step 6: Download and Install WordPress Core Files

Once downloaded, execute 

wp config create --dbname=<your_wp_database> --dbuser=<your_user> --dbpass=<strong_password> --dbhost=localhost 

to set up the wp-config.php configuration file.

Step 7: Run the WordPress Configuration Command

Run Command:

wp core install --url="<your_domain_name>" --title="<your_site_title>" --admin_user="<your_user>" --admin_password="<another_strong_password>" --admin_email="<your_email>"

Run this command to install WordPress:

Step 8: Configure PHP-FPM for WordPress

Verify the PHP-FPM version you have installed, and update the server configuration file to match this version. Here, we’re using PHP 8.3.

Check the status of PHP FastCGI Process Manager with 

sudo systemctl status php8.3-fpm.

If it is not installed use 

sudo apt install php8.3-fpm 

to install it.

If the PHP-FPM service is not running, start it with

sudo systemctl start php8.3-fpm

Enable it to start on boot with

sudo systemctl enable php8.3-fpm

Step 9: Configure NGINX for WordPress

Configure NGINX by navigating to /etc/nginx/sites-available with 

cd /etc/nginx/sites-available 

Create a new file for your domain using the 

sudo nano <your_domain_name> 

command and add the server configuration.

Enter your root domain and fully qualified domain name in the server name section as 

server_name <your_domain_name>; 

Save the file after editing.

Step 10: Configure and Activate NGINX for WordPress

Update your system by typing:

sudo apt update

Step 11: Add Server Names to Your NGINX Configuration

Create a symbolic link from sites-available to sites-enabled running this command:

sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/<your_domain_name> /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

to ensure the configuration loads correctly.

Step 12: Test and Apply NGINX Changes with PHP-FPM

Test the NGINX configuration with 

sudo nginx -t 

to ensure it works properly.

Apply the new changes by restarting NGINX with systemctl restart nginx You may be prompted to input a password to restart nginx.service

Step 13: Set Up DNS Records for Your VPS Domain

Access your domain provider’s settings to change DNS records, add an A record that points to your VPS.

Frequently Asked Questions

What software is required before installing WordPress on a VPS?
Ensure PHP, NGINX (or NGINX), MariaDB, a DBMS, and a web server are installed before starting.

How do I create a database for WordPress?
Log in to MariaDB, execute SQL commands to create a database, and grant user privileges with a password.

What should I do if I encounter permission errors during the installation?
Use the whoami command to identify your user and adjust permissions with chown for proper access.

How do I test and apply NGINX server configuration changes?
Use the command sudo nginx -t to test the NGINX configuration. If there are no errors, apply the changes by restarting NGINX with this command:

sudo systemctl restart nginx

How can I connect my domain to the WordPress VPS?
Update DNS settings with your domain provider by adding an A record pointing to your VPS IP address.

About the Author Peter French is the Managing Director at Virtarix, with over 17 years in the tech industry. He has co-founded a cloud storage business, led strategy at a global cloud computing leader, and driven market growth in cybersecurity and data protection.

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